I originally had just a single GPU, an Nvidia 3070, and I got Monterey to boot and run, but only 1 monitor worked (as opposed to 3 working on my Windows 10 boot) and it had really poor FPS. So I heard that RX 580s were good for a hackintosh. So I got an MSI Radeon Armor RX 580 (4gb) and installed it. It works while booted in Windows 10 (alongside the 3070). But when I try to boot into Monterey (I didn't alter anything in my opencore files after installing the RX 580) it freezes at the white loading text on the black background. The lst line of text is talking about "IOUserUSBHostHIDDevice.cpp", but it doesn't look like any errors. It seems that if I unplug the monitor on which the loading text appears on, then I can get a screen to show the default Monterey desktop image, but no text or icons or mouse cursor on it, and the mouse/keyboard doesn't appear to do anything. I've tried unplugging the 3070 and only having the RX 580 plugged in, and I've tried it with both of them plugged in. Neither seems to work. Do I need to rebuild the config.plist or something after the RX 580 is installed while I'm booted in Windows? Is there something else I'm missing? Thanks
MOBO Aorus Elite z390
CPU 9700k
GPUs Nvidia 3070 & MSI Radeon Armor RX 580 (4gb)
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