editing SIP through config.plist

I spent a long time trying to find out how to edit the SIP configuration since I wanted to patch an old and 5770 driver, to do so, the SIP configuration needed to be 0x802 and after spending a long time guessing and checking since I count find my answer anywhere online, here is what I found:

N = Number or letter

Numbers with 2 such as 0xNN = to NN followed by 6 0s Ex. 0x67 = 67000000

But with values of 3 such as 0xNNN is the middle number first, the last number followed by the first number then followed by 5 0s Ex. 0x802 = 02800000 Also works with letters Ex. 0x2E8 would be E8200000

Hopes this helps someone

submitted by /u/SytherForce2
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