Do I need a clean install if I upgrade CPU and MOBO?

Hi! I've recently upgraded to an i7 12700 and B 660m-a DDR4 mobo from an i5 8400 and Z370 pc pro mobo. I've asked a few questions here to update my EFI folder, I'm still trying some of the suggestions you guys gave me but I am having doubts over the way I'm going with this.

My idea is to simply update the EFI folder for it to work with my new hardware and maintain all my data on my SSD. Will this be possible or do I need to do a complete reinstall of macOS Monterrey due to the hardware changes?

I was running macOS Monterrey 12.4 before. I have a Time Machine backup from a few months back. Not ideal but not bad either.

submitted by /u/soype_
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