MSI MPG Z490 Pro Gaming Plus Intel 10900K 32 GB ram XMP1.0 Thunderbolt disabled iMac20,2 symbios Bigsur 11.6.5 OpenCore 0.8.0 Sapphire RX 5700XT (HDMI or testing) agdpmod=pikera boot-arg Here is screenshot of hang: Boot to installer after clearing Nvram Any help as to how to fix or why this is happening. EFI checked with OCConfigCompare to 0.8.0 lastest sample plist no errors shown. Is it possible I have a Bios setting incorrect? Looks like a GV wake Failure??? Update I had CFG lock on, disabled now, and ends at this screen: HID Legacy shim 2 is stop point.??? [link] [comments] |
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