MSI MPG Z490 Pro Gaming Plus
Intel 10900
32 GB ram XMP1.0
Thunderbolt disabled
iMac20,2 symbios
Bigsur 11.6.5 OpenCore 0.8.0
Sapphire RX 5700XT (HDMI for testing install flash) agdpmod=pikera boot-arg
Here is screenshot of hang:
Any ideas on the Legacy shim 2 stop?
Intel 10900
32 GB ram XMP1.0
Thunderbolt disabled
iMac20,2 symbios
Bigsur 11.6.5 OpenCore 0.8.0
Sapphire RX 5700XT (HDMI for testing install flash) agdpmod=pikera boot-arg
Here is screenshot of hang:
Any ideas on the Legacy shim 2 stop?
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