The start of my new hackintosh

I took the EFI from my old computer and remade it to work on my new computer.

# What I changed:

  1. Updated OpenCore

  2. Removed all properties in DeviceProperties.

  3. Disabled EnableWriteUnprotector and enabled SyncRuntimePermissions + RebuildAppleMemoryMap (Booter)

  4. Deleted all of the kexts that I don't need

- USBInjectAll
- VoodooPS2Trackpad and Mouse
- Cputscsync
- Other Kexts

  1. Added new kexts

- VoodooI2C
- VoodooI2CHID
- VoodooI2CSynaptics
- UsbToolBox
- CPUFriend

and the boot arg "-igfxblr"

  1. Deleted all SSDTs and Added new ones.

  2. Created new properties in DeviceProperties:
    For the iGPU: Only AAPL,ig-platform-id (0900A53E)

# Specs:

Intel Core i7-10750H
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660Ti / Intel UHD Graphics 630
Intel WiFI 6 AX201 (Bluetooth 5.2)
15.6" 144hz FHD Display
16GB of ram 2933MHz (2x8GB 3200MHz)

# What's working:

- Trackpad
- WiFi
- Graphics acceleration
- Keyboard

# Things that possibly works (I didn't install macOS yet so I can't check them)

- Sound
- Bluetooth
- Trackpad Gestures

submitted by /u/xcheez__
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