Currently I've got Catalina (APFS) on a 500GB NVME and Win 10 (NTFS, duh) on an old 128GB 2.5 SATA. Both boot fine through Clover. Storage drives are 12TB and 3TB externals.
I'd like to back up apps, settings, etc the best I can so I don't lose a couple years of work if I forget something to transfer. The data on the win10 drive isn't critical and I'm just gonna fresh install 11 on the 500GB, then fart with OC eventually and get Monterey up on the secondary 128GB drive.
Anyone had any experience in this area? Would Monterey be able to pull things from a certain kind of SSD image I make from Catalina (time machine maybe, I dunno), or am I just gonna be stuck with manually backing up?
I've also gotta convert the storage drives back to NTFS from HFS+, the indexing is NOT what I expected it to be. :(
If for some reason I need to list the rest of the hardware lemme know but it shouldn't matter.
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