Do I need to ad SSDT-EC and SSDT-USBX in my config.plist?

Do I need to ad SSDT-EC and SSDT-USBX in my config.plist?


CPU: AMD A8-7600

Graphics: Radeon R7

RAM: Samsung M378B1G73EB0-CK0 1600Mhz (1x8GB)

Motherboard: Asus A68BM-A/M32BF/DP_MB

Ethernet: Realtek RTL8111

I'm follwing this guide for the AMD Jaguar family and got stuck at the part where I add the SSTDs I am using. I have used SSDTTime to generate a fake EC file for my target system as described here and also a DSTD file. I have also added SSTD-USBX file to my ACPI folder. I'm not sure which SSTD files I need to add to my config.plist as some online advice seems to suggest that I don'd need to add both.

My config.plist file

My current EFI files

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/DoUhavestupid
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