Debugging kernel_task permanently using 60%+ cpu

Hi everyone, I have a problem with my hackintosh laptop. kernel_task is permanently using 60% or more of my cpu, and I've tried a lot of things.

The problem happen with Catalina, Big Sur and Monterey and it is unpredictable. Sometimes it just stops, and sometimes I have to reboot and maybe goes away.

I've have run sysdiagnose but I don't know where to look. If you could tell me what to find I'll be grateful

Things I've tried

Re installing (10.15, 11 and 12) Disabling all Bluetooth kexts Sleeping and waking Updating kexts and OC

My laptop:

Dell Latitude 5300 i7-8665u, 32gb ram, kioxia NVME drive, dw1560 wifi+bt, using one-key dpi.

Loaded kexts:

AirportBrcmFixup.kext, RealtekCardReader.kext AppleALC.kext RealtekCardReaderFriend.kext BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext SMCBatteryManager.kext BrcmFirmwareData.kext SMCDellSensors.kext BrcmPatchRAM3.kext SMCProcessor.kext BrightnessKeys.kext SMCSuperIO.kext CPUFriend.kext USBMap.kext CPUFriendDataProvider.kext VirtualSMC.kext ECEnabler.kext VoodooI2C.kext Lilu.kext VoodooI2CHID.kext NVMeFix.kext VoodooPS2Controller.kext NoTouchID.kext WhateverGreen.kext

Thank you

submitted by /u/Snowcolors
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