z490 Vision D lost WIFI and 1GB Ethernet with 0.7.4 upgrade

z490 Vision D lost WIFI and 1GB Ethernet with 0.7.4 upgrade

Hey there,

Have an interesting problem and am wondering if anyone else out there is experiencing the same two issues after upgrading to OC 0.7.4

1) Fenvi T919 wifi not working

I have a Fenvi T919 for native Bluetooth and WIFI support. Has worked natively OOB for all my previous OC installs. My last EFI was 0.7.1. Decided to updated to 0.7.4 and now Wifi is OFF. can't turn it on if I try and toggle it on in menu bar or system preferences.

Are the T919 still natively supported? Do I need a Broadcom kext?

Bluetooth works as my magic keyboard and trackpad are working fine.


Following the dortania guide, My 2.5G intel ethernet port works. However, my 1gb ethernet port stopped working. I noticed in the guide that the i211 NIC now requires the SmallTreeIntel82576 kext

I've added that to my kexts folder and kernel in my config.plst But the ethernet controller will not connect. What's strange is the ethernet controller in system presences bounces back and forth, saying connected no IP to not plugged in.

I've tried both 1.2.5 and 1.3.0 versions but neither fix it. Is there an order this kext needs to load in prior to intelmausi? smaltreeintel kext also is not showing when I run command kextstat in terminal or browse extensions in hackintool.

Any ideas?

When I go back to my 0.7.1 EFI both issues stop presenting themselves.

no wifi

no 1gb lan


fenvi t919 system profile

submitted by /u/valueimagery
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