Status Quo of Hypervisor / Type1 Virtualization vs. Bare Metal

Today I came across a new and IMHO questionable YT Video about Type 1 Hypervisor Hackintosh Systems. Running a "Golden Build" bare metal system myself for 2 years now I am wondering about the Status Quo of the Hypervisor Systems, foremost in comparison to the actual bare metal solutions.

I´ve read the FAQ here on r/Hackintosh but it is two years old meanwhile´

Could someone might give an update on performance, ease of use, Hardware passthrough and so on? Is this actually a thing when talking about production machines for Audio/Video Editing?

I´ve read the articles by Nicolas and found some bits and pieces of information but this still seems to be a niche thing (lol as if hackintoshing wouldnt be niche enough) ...

Thank you

submitted by /u/Alex_S-9578
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