I am trying to boot BigSur on my Acer Predator Helios 300 and I am having some errors. I followed videos at first and then I completely restarted because I got an error and instead followed the official open core guide and I reached the same error. here are my specs:
I'm running coffee lake.
I'm able to get to the kernel space and then I have this issue:
41:695 00:130 OCB: Registering entry BOOT [AppleRecv:Apple] (T:4|F:1|G:0|E:1|B:0) - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(0x2,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,6F2972BF-2720-4BF6-AE39-4F2A7DA60A4F,0x800,0x3BA37DF)/\com.apple.recovery.boot\
41:827 00:132 OCB: Adding custom entry OpenShell.efi (tool|B:0) -> OpenShell.efi
41:959 00:131 OCB: Registering entry OpenShell.efi [Auto] (T:128|F:0|G:0|E:0|B:0) - <nil>
42:090 00:131 OCB: Adding system entry Reset NVRAM
42:221 00:130 OCB: Registering entry Reset NVRAM [ResetNVRAM:NVRAMTool] (T:256|F:0|G:0|E:0|B:0) - <nil>
42:353 00:131 OCB: Showing menu...
42:484 00:130 OCHK: InitHotKeys
42:614 00:130 OCKM: Allocated key repeat context 788AB998 788ABA98 788ABA18
42:746 00:131 OCAE: Set screen resolution to 1920x1080 - Success
42:876 00:130 OCTY: Registered handler
48:689 05:812 OCHK: FreeHotKeys
48:726 00:037 OCTY: Unregistered handler
48:766 00:039 OCKM: Freeing key repeat context 788AB998 788ABA98 788ABA18
48:803 00:037 OCB: Should boot from 1. BOOT (T:4|F:1|G:0|E:1|DEF:0)
48:870 00:067 OCRAM: Extent allocation of 668153735 bytes (A) gave 100000000
83:695 34:825 OCRAM: SHA-256 Digest is: 03013DD649716B6F3F6581BBDAF3ACA8A6DA96C5B89DAF4E9B0A30445B55D6D5
83:736 00:040 OCB: Found chunklist BaseSystem.chunklist for DMG BaseSystem.dmg[10]
89:005 05:269 OCDI: Built DMG DP: VenHw(957932CC-7E8E-433B-8F41-D391EA3C10F8,00000000)/MemoryMapped(0xA,0x100000000,0x100001000)/DMG_0000000027D33787.dmg/VenMsg(004B07E8-0B9C-427E-B0D4-A466E6E57A62,8737D32700000000)
89:052 00:047 OCJS: Matched device path
89:090 00:037 OCJS: Matched device path
89:140 00:050 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (1/4 256) - 01 04 18 00 CC 32 79 95 8E 7E 3B 43 8F 41 D3 91 EA 3C 10 F8 00 00 00 00 01 03 18 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 04 36 00 44 00 4D 00 47 00 5F 00 30 00 30 00
89:179 00:038 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (2/4 256) - 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 32 00 37 00 44 00 33 00 33 00 37 00 38 00 37 00 2E 00 64 00 6D 00 67 00 00 00 03 0A 1C 00 E8 07 4B 00 9C 0B 7E 42 B0 D4 A4 66 E6 E5 7A 62 87 37 D3 27 00 00
89:217 00:038 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (3/4 256) - 00 00 04 01 2A 00 01 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 98 FE 3B 00 00 00 00 00 1C F1 04 37 6D 3C 16 4F B5 9C C5 40 91 90 D8 E5 02 02 04 04 50 00 5C 00 53 00 79 00 73 00 74 00 65 00 6D 00 5C 00
89:256 00:038 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (4/4 256) - 4C 00 69 00 62 00 72 00 61 00 72 00 79 00 5C 00 43 00 6F 00 72 00 65 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 5C 00 62 00 6F 00 6F 00 74 00 2E 00 65 00 66 00 69 00 00 00 7F FF 04 00
89:295 00:039 OCBP: BlessedFileDP - VenHw(957932CC-7E8E-433B-8F41-D391EA3C10F8,00000000)/MemoryMapped(0xA,0x100000000,0x100001000)/DMG_0000000027D33787.dmg/VenMsg(004B07E8-0B9C-427E-B0D4-A466E6E57A62,8737D32700000000)/HD(1,GPT,3704F11C-3C6D-4F16-B59C-C5409190D8E5,0x28,0x3BFE98)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
89:334 00:039 OCBP: Blessed file is valid
89:374 00:039 OCSB: Disabling secure boot for Apple images
89:412 00:038 OCB: Perform boot BOOT to dp VenHw(957932CC-7E8E-433B-8F41-D391EA3C10F8,00000000)/MemoryMapped(0xA,0x100000000,0x100001000)/DMG_0000000027D33787.dmg/VenMsg(004B07E8-0B9C-427E-B0D4-A466E6E57A62,8737D32700000000)/HD(1,GPT,3704F11C-3C6D-4F16-B59C-C5409190D8E5,0x28,0x3BFE98)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi (0/0)
89:459 00:046 OCSB: Direct booting for DMG image
89:498 00:038 OCB: Arch filtering 786F4018(739896)->786F4018(739896) caps 4 - Success
89:536 00:038 OCB: Matching <>/0[0] args on type 4
89:574 00:038 OCABC: VMware Mac installed on 788B3618 - Success
89:614 00:039 OCABC: Patching safe mode sur-2 at off 8AC5
89:652 00:037 OCABC: All slides are usable! You can disable ProvideCustomSlide!
89:690 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.H.IS|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
89:728 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.H.IS|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
89:765 00:036 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0
89:802 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:INIT] 2021-10-29T20:21:14
89:839 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|VERSION] <"bootbase.efi 495.140.2~17 (Official), built 2021-08-30T07:02:12-0700">
89:876 00:036 AAPL: #[EB|BUILD] <"BUILD-INFO[308]:{"DisplayName":"bootbase.efi","DisplayVersion":"495.140.2~17","RecordUuid":"6B6B10D3-E712-4F5D-9988-B4A9386C79CF","BuildTime":"2021-08-30T07:02:12-0700","ProjectName":"efiboot","ProductName":"bootbase.efi","SourceVersion":"495.140.2","BuildVersion":"17","BuildConfiguration":"Release","BuildType":"Official"}">
89:920 00:044 AAPL: #[EB.CFG.DEV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV booter-strict-xmlparser 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
89:959 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:DEV] r5 0x0 0x0
89:997 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0
90:036 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|WL:MODE] 0
90:075 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] boot-save-log 0x0000000000000002 (0x0000000000000002 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default
90:114 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] wake-save-log 0x0000000000000002 (0x0000000000000002 < 0x0000000000000002) default
90:153 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] console 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0x0000000000000001) default
90:193 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] serial 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0x0000000000000000) default
90:232 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] embed-log-dt 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 < 0x0000000000000000) default
90:272 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] timestamps 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default
90:312 00:040 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] log-level 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 & 0x0000000000000021) default
90:352 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] breakpoint 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 & 0x0000000000000000) default
90:392 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] kc-read-size 0x0000000000100000 (0x0000000000100000 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default
90:431 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0
90:469 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 0 0x00
90:508 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|BRD:NV] Mac-937A206F2EE63C01
90:547 00:039 OCOS: OS set: <null> macOS 11.0
90:586 00:038 OCOS: OS set: Apple Inc. macOS 11.0
90:625 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 2 0x00
90:663 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.BST.IDT|+]
90:701 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|BM] J680AP
90:747 00:045 AAPL: #[EB.BST.IDT|-]
90:784 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 3 0x00
90:823 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 4 0x00
92:916 02:092 AAPL: #[EB|BRD:NV] Mac-937A206F2EE63C01
92:955 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 5 0x00
92:993 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.H.CHK|BM] 0x0000000000000000
93:031 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
93:069 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 23 0x0E
93:107 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
93:145 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 24 0x0E
93:183 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
93:222 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
93:261 00:039 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
93:300 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-image 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
93:338 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|H:NOT]
93:376 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|SB:P] 0x0
93:415 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:DP] VenMedia(957932CC-7E8E-433B-8F41-D391EA3C10F8)/MemMap(10:100000000-100001000)/DMG_0000000027D33787.dmg/VenMedia(004B07E8-0B9C-427E-B0D4-A466E6E57A62)/HD(Part1,Sig3704F11C-3C6D-4F16-B59C-C5409190D8E5)
93:453 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:FP] \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
93:491 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:OPT]
93:529 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.B.OBV|BM:+DMG]
93:567 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.B.OBV|BM:+ROS]
93:613 00:045 AAPL: #[EB|RPS] 0 0 0
93:650 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist">
93:687 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> <"0">
93:725 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist">
93:762 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|LF!] Err(0xE)
93:799 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist">
93:836 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> <"0">
93:880 00:044 AAPL: #[EB|KF] <"">
93:918 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:CL] <"">
93:954 00:036 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:NV] <"-v keepsyms=1 alcid=1">
96:151 02:196 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:KF] <"">
96:190 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:OUT] <"-v keepsyms=1 alcid=1">
96:228 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:VERBOSE] 2021-10-29T20:21:21
96:266 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|OPT:BM] 0x821002
96:305 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\PlatformSupport.plist">
96:343 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\PlatformSupport.plist"> <"0">
96:389 00:045 AAPL: #[EB|B:VAw]
96:428 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.B.MN|BM:ROS]
96:467 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 19 0x0E
96:506 00:039 AAPL: #[EB.CS.CSKSD|+]
96:546 00:039 AAPL: #[EB.G.CS|-?] Ok(0)
96:593 00:047 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"<null string>"> <"1">
96:638 00:044 AAPL: #[EB.B.SBS|SZ] 739896
96:680 00:041 AAPL: #[EB|B:SHA] <bc0a873db6d0ea0e3c53e8e613a8cc781a5d3cfe>
96:720 00:040 AAPL: #[EB.WL.PWLFNV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV wake-failure 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82
96:760 00:039 AAPL: #[EB.WL.DT|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.WL.PWLFNV
96:800 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|WL:DT] 0x00000001
96:840 00:040 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|R.1] <"System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc">
97:951 01:111 OC: Kext reservation size info 5A0000 exe 1379000
97:994 00:042 OC: Trying 64-bit XNU hook on System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc
98:966 00:972 OC: Result of 64-bit XNU hook on System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc (475FF3A2) is Success
99:013 00:046 OCAK: Read kernel version 20.6.0 (200600)
99:054 00:041 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_core_scope_msrs data 226 76
99:093 00:038 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_core_scope_msrs data 226 406416
99:131 00:038 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_core_scope_msrs data 226 16384
99:169 00:038 OCAK: Not matching _xcpm_core_scope_msrs data 46 422876
99:210 00:040 OCAK: 64-bit XcpmCfgLockRel replace count - 2
99:264 00:054 OCAK: 64-bit PanicKextDump replace count - 1
99:302 00:038 OCAK: Patch success kext dump
99:342 00:039 OCAK: 64-bit PowerStateTimeout replace count - 0
99:381 00:039 OCAK: No inline power state patch - Not Found, trying fallback
99:435 00:053 OCAK: 64-bit PowerStateTimeout replace count - 1
99:473 00:038 OCAK: Patch success power state
99:514 00:040 OCAK: Found jettisoning fileset
99:652 00:137 OCAK: Patching invalid size 180000 with 2330000 for com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family
99:693 00:041 OCAK: Patching invalid size 16000 with 2783000 for com.apple.driver.AppleMobileFileIntegrity
99:737 00:043 OCAK: Patching invalid size 92000 with AFA000 for com.apple.kec.corecrypto
99:778 00:041 OCAK: Patching invalid size 7000 with 23FC000 for com.apple.kext.CoreTrust
99:822 00:043 OCAK: Patching invalid size 17000 with B1C000 for com.apple.driver.corecapture
99:868 00:045 OCAK: Patching invalid size 17000 with 1563000 for com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily
99:914 00:046 OCAK: Patching invalid size 22000 with 120C000 for com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily
99:956 00:041 OCAK: Patching invalid size 5000 with 12DD000 for com.apple.driver.mDNSOffloadUserClient
100:025 00:069 OCAK: Patching invalid size 29000 with 12D7000 for com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily
100:098 00:072 OCAK: Local relocs 2604 on FFFFFF8004043000
100:145 00:047 OC: Prelinked injection AirportItlwm.kext (AirportItlwm.kext) - Success
100:186 00:040 OCAK: Patching invalid size 10000 with 17F9000 for com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIFamily
100:239 00:052 OCAK: Local relocs 2526 on FFFFFF8004D33000
100:285 00:046 OC: Prelinked injection CtlnaAHCIPort.kext (CtlnaAHCIPort.kext) - Success
100:327 00:042 OCAK: Patching invalid size 8F000 with FB9000 for com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHostFamily
100:365 00:037 OCAK: Patching invalid size 4000 with 2A15000 for com.apple.driver.AppleBusPowerController
100:497 00:131 OCAK: Patching invalid size 19000 with 26ED000 for com.apple.driver.AppleSMC
100:633 00:135 OCAK: Patching invalid size 3000 with A47000 for com.apple.driver.watchdog
100:775 00:142 OCAK: Patching invalid size 2000 with 17FF000 for com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily
100:911 00:135 OCAK: Patching invalid size 4000 with 259D000 for com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBCommon
101:048 00:137 OCAK: Dependency com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBHostPlatformProperties was not found for kext com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHostFamily
101:206 00:158 OCAK: Local relocs 710 on FFFFFF8004D5B000
101:341 00:134 OC: Prelinked injection IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext (IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext) - Success
101:480 00:139 OCAK: Local relocs 689 on FFFFFF8005018000
101:614 00:133 OC: Prelinked injection Lilu.kext (Lilu.kext) - Success
101:752 00:137 OCAK: Local relocs 624 on FFFFFF8005046000
101:887 00:135 OC: Prelinked injection NVMeFix.kext (NVMeFix.kext) - Success
102:026 00:139 OCAK: Local relocs 469 on FFFFFF8005053000
102:160 00:133 OC: Prelinked injection RealtekRTL8111.kext (RealtekRTL8111.kext) - Success
102:304 00:143 OCAK: Local relocs 602 on FFFFFF80050D7000
102:450 00:146 OC: Prelinked injection USBInjectAll.kext (USBInjectAll.kext) - Success
102:589 00:139 OCAK: Local relocs 503 on FFFFFF80050E2000
102:725 00:135 OC: Prelinked injection VirtualSMC.kext (VirtualSMC.kext) - Success
102:865 00:139 OCAK: Local relocs 1579 on FFFFFF80050FC000
103:002 00:137 OC: Prelinked injection VoodooPS2Controller.kext (VoodooPS2Controller.kext) - Success
103:141 00:139 OCAK: Local relocs 1829 on FFFFFF8005115000
103:278 00:136 OC: Prelinked injection WhateverGreen.kext (WhateverGreen.kext) - Success
103:412 00:133 OCAK: Patching invalid size 5D000 with 1627000 for com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily
103:546 00:134 OCAK: Patching invalid size 3000 with 12A0000 for com.apple.iokit.IOReportFamily
103:730 00:184 OCAK: Local relocs 1337 on FFFFFF8005195000
103:866 00:136 OC: Prelinked injection VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooInput.kext (VoodooInput.kext) - Success
104:007 00:140 OCAK: Local relocs 346 on FFFFFF80051AE000
104:141 00:133 OC: Prelinked injection VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext (VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext) - Success
106:458 02:317 OCAK: Local relocs 338 on FFFFFF80051BB000
106:590 00:132 OC: Prelinked injection VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooPS2Mouse.kext (VoodooPS2Mouse.kext) - Success
106:731 00:140 OCAK: Local relocs 1291 on FFFFFF80051C6000
106:869 00:137 OC: Prelinked injection VoodooPS2Controller.kext\Contents\PlugIns\VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext (VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext) - Success
107:018 00:149 OCAK: Local relocs 5641 on FFFFFF80051E1000
107:185 00:166 OC: Prelinked injection AppleALC.kext (AppleALC.kext) - Success
107:322 00:137 OCAK: Patching invalid size 1000 with 121D000 for com.apple.iokit.IOSMBusFamily
107:463 00:141 OCAK: Local relocs 809 on FFFFFF800536B000
107:599 00:135 OC: Prelinked injection SMCBatteryManager.kext (SMCBatteryManager.kext) - Success
107:738 00:138 OCAK: Local relocs 315 on FFFFFF8005383000
108:966 01:227 OC: Prelinked injection SMCLightSensor.kext (SMCLightSensor.kext) - Success
109:104 00:138 OCAK: Local relocs 332 on FFFFFF800538C000
109:237 00:132 OC: Prelinked injection SMCProcessor.kext (SMCProcessor.kext) - Success
109:376 00:138 OCAK: Local relocs 2146 on FFFFFF800539B000
109:520 00:144 OC: Prelinked injection SMCSuperIO.kext (SMCSuperIO.kext) - Success
109:651 00:131 OC: Prelink size 86360064 kext offset 65941504 reserved 20418560
109:783 00:131 OCAK: KC TEXT is 65536 bytes with 50152 Mach-O headers need 1448
109:955 00:172 OCAK: 64-bit AppleIoMapper replace count - 1
110:087 00:131 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily AppleIoMapper
110:388 00:301 OC: Prelinked status - Success
110:787 00:398 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKFS|-?] Ok(0)
111:012 00:225 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|-?] Ok(0)
111:238 00:225 AAPL: #[EB|FWFM] 0x00000008FF9FFF3F
111:463 00:225 AAPL: #[EB|FWFT] 0x00000008FD8FF426
111:688 00:224 AAPL: #[EB|BST:REV1]
111:913 00:225 AAPL: #[EB|CSR:IN] 0x00000040
112:138 00:224 AAPL: #[EB|CSR:OUT] 0x00000040
112:365 00:226 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|+]
112:591 00:225 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|ADSZ] 0
112:817 00:226 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|KSSZ] 0
113:042 00:225 AAPL: #[EB|SB:SBGMFNS] j680ap.im4m
113:268 00:226 AAPL: #[EB|RH:PF] usr\standalone\OS.dmg.root_hash
113:494 00:225 AAPL: #[EB|RH:MF] <"usr\\standalone\\OS.dmg.root_hash.j680ap.im4m">
113:720 00:226 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"usr\\standalone\\OS.dmg.root_hash"> <"0">
113:947 00:227 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"usr\\standalone\\OS.dmg.root_hash">
114:173 00:226 AAPL: #[EB.RH.LRH|P!] Err(0xE) <- EB.LD.LF
114:399 00:225 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.RH.LRH
114:532 00:133 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D535463 Size 1
114:671 00:139 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D534163 Size 2
114:896 00:225 AAPL: #[EB.B.WFDW|!WF] Err(0xE) 0
115:122 00:226 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:DT] 2021-10-29T20:21:40
115:348 00:225 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] 2021-10-29T20:21:40
115:480 00:132 AmiShimTimerBoostExit changed current period to 100000
Heres my boot flash drive:
Thank you so much to anyone that tries to help.
PS: I probably put too much of my debug log so sorry that it's so long, I just don't know what the error is.
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