Sleep stopped working [OC 0.7.2, BS 11.5.2, 10850k]

For some reason, since a few days ago, system no longer enters sleep. Big Sur 11.5.2 on OC 0.7.2, i9 10850k on Asus Prime Z490-P, RX 580 8GB.

Sleep worked fine for over a year. I'm not aware of anything that could break it. No changes in BIOS, no MacOS update, no OC/kexts update (I have updated the kexts to the latest ones since I started having the issue), no new devices plugged in. NVRam has been reset, no dice.

Pmset -g returns this:

System-wide power settings:

Currently in use:

standby 1

Sleep On Power Button 1

womp 0

hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage

proximitywake 1

powernap 0

networkoversleep 0

disksleep 0

standbydelayhigh 86400

sleep 0 (sleep prevented by runningboardd, runningboardd, UserEventAgent, AddressBookSourceSync)

hibernatemode 3

ttyskeepawake 1

displaysleep 10

highstandbythreshold 50

standbydelaylow 86400

Any more tips?

submitted by /u/Stooovie
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