macOS 11.5.2 doesn't recognize USB 3 devices

macOS 11.5.2 doesn't recognize USB 3 devices

Hello r/hackintosh,

All of my USB 2 ports work with both USB 2 and 3 devices, my USB 3 ports only work with USB 2 devices, and therefore I can't use my USB 3 devices properly (With USB 3 port).

SMBIOS: iMac20,1.

CPU: i7-10700F (Comet Lake).

USB Controller: Comet Lake PCH-V Series 300 (0xA3F, 0x8086).

I used Dortania's OpenCore Install Guide.

The kernel extensions (kexts) I installed: AppleALC.kext, CpuTscSync.kext, Lilu.kext, RealtekRTL8111.kext, USBInjectAll.kext, VirtualSMC.kext, WhateverGreen.kext, XHCI-unsupported.kext.

I tried to map the USB ports using Hackintool:

When I used USB 2 device, all the ports worked (Both 2 and 3).

When I used USB 3 devices, only USB 2 ports detected my device (as described above).

Also, I read that:

But similarly, When I try to map using IORegistryExplorer (According to Open Core's guide), I get the same result.

My SMBIOS doesn't require ACPI renames.

XhciPortLimit boolean in config.plist is not affecting anything as well.

submitted by /u/Suspicious-Serve1277
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