Get your 3rd party Bluetooth keyboard working with your hackintosh!

Hello Everyone, I recently hackintoshed my Asus T300 Chi which had a bluetooth keyboard and trackpad, when trying to connect via mac settings it appears as a regular bluetooth device and when connecting it asks for a 4 number pin but the keyboard requires a 6 number pin to connect to connect,

this isnt just for my keyboard, its for all keyboards that you cant get them to connect with system prefrences!

So lets get started


  1. Homebrew
  2. Blueutil

How to do it?

First, Install Homebrew and follow the steps from the website

now to install Blueutil, open Terminal and Type homebrew install blueutil

After the installation has finished, Make sure your keyboard is on discovery mode

in the terminal type blueutil --inquiry then wait until you get your keyboard's MAC address

then type blueutil --pair YOUR MAC ADRESS 123456

it should ask you to type 123456 on your keyboard, after typing 123456 and hitting enter you should be paired with your keyboard, then type blueutil --connect YOUR MAC ADDRESS

Congrats! your keyboard should work with your hackintosh now

If your keyboard disconnects and never reconnects after your device reboot, then you can save this script


blueutil --unpair YOUR MAC ADDRESS

blueutil --pair YOUR MAC ADDRESS 123456

blueutil --connect YOUR MAC ADRESS

but make sure your keyboard is on discovery mode when you want to run this

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/InsideBike8306
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