[Thinkpad T440s] [OC0.7 / BigSur11.4] Thinkpad UltraDock USB 40A8 Compatible? Or any other USB-Dock?

Hello there,

first of all, success!
Almost a month ago i´ve built my Hackintosh on my Thinkpad T440s based on Snikis awesome work but with OC 0.7.0 and the most recent kexts like Airportitlwm 2.0 and i absolutely love it!
I made it Dual boot Win10 using rEFInd but i did not touch windows for weeks now and use macOS as my main OS all day!

A known issue with Hackintoshing a Thinkpad T440 still is that it kernel panics at shutdown/sleep/reboot when it is plugged into a docking station and a display is connected to that docking station,
but what about usb docking stations like the Thinkpad USB3.0 UltraDock 40A8?

Has anyone ever tried it? Is it compatible? does it trigger a kernel panic?

Or do you know any other USB-Dock that is known to work?

submitted by /u/kev6661
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