Need some help - 1st attempt on hackintosh!

Hello evetyone. Im having some trouble installing hackintosh and i need your help. my rig is an intel i3 10105 sitting on a gigabyte h510m-h mobo with 16gb of ram at 2666 and ill use uhd 630 as gpu. ive created the bootable usb following dortanias guide with opencore 0.7.2. It is booting fine , im selecting Big sur option , its displaying some texts but then my screen goes "no signal" while pc is working. Since i have no previous experience with hackintosh (only windows,linux and mac) i need your help fixing this one! im uploading my config.plist and my efi folder ! I dont know if you need more information anyaway! thank you in advance!

config.plist ->

efi folder ->

submitted by /u/nikitasd13
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