Mouse Cursor Glitched

Mouse Cursor Glitched

CPU: intel i3 3110M
GPU: intel HD 4000

RAM: 2x4 SK Hynix DDR3

Laptop: Lenovo L430 (HM76 chipset)
Audio Codec: RealTek ALC269

Ethernet: RealTek Semiconductor RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC

WiFi/Bluetooth card: RealTek Semiconductor RTL8188CE Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E Network Adapter

I followed the opencore guide( ) yesterday, and I was able to get high sierra installed but, I faced the following problems
1)WiFi/bluetooth wasn't working, probably cause it's a realtek card?
2) as seen from the picture, the lines around system report is the mouse, which is mildy infuriating, as I can't be precise with this mouse

I used Voodoohda for the audio, rest all were pretty much the default ones from the guide

Any help Appreciated

submitted by /u/FRK299
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