If you have high res screen, adjust UIScale and resolution in you config.plist to get HiDPI in OpenCanopy to make everything looks crisper and bigger

If you have high res screen, adjust UIScale and resolution in you config.plist to get HiDPI in OpenCanopy to make everything looks crisper and bigger


If your OpenCanopy boot picker icons look small or not clear when resolution is set to your screen native resolution, adjust the following in your config.plist

UEFI -> Output -> Resolution set it to Max

NVRAM -> Add -> 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14 -> UIScale set it to 02

Then your OpenCanopy will be in HiDPI and initial apple logo size in boot will match your system if you have HiDPI res on desktop.

submitted by /u/ahmed1186
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