Yesterday was Amazon’s prime day and I ended up buying an Echo Dot and a couple smart switches. Then it got me thinking… it’d be really cool to be able to power my Hackintosh on/off using Alexa.
I’ve looked online and sure enough it seems that it’s possible to power up/power down a PC with Alexa using WoL technology (Wake on LAN) although I’m unsure about how safe and reliable most of the methods I’ve seen so far are. I’d like the machine to be able to power up and power down safely. I imagine there’s a way to do it, but unless I find that the current methods are actually safe for my machine, I may have to alter them a tad by using scripts or something. Fine, I’ll figure that out later.
I guess the real question I have is a little beyond that - I’d like to be able to have Alexa power my machine up and log in automatically into either windows or Mac by specifying which I want (“Alexa, power up and load windows,” or “Alexa, power up and load MacOS”).
I currently have my machine running with OpenCore (I forgot which version) as a dual boot. Machine loads up, gives me an option to choose a boot drive, and if I don’t choose within 3 seconds, it auto boots MacOS.
Anyways, is it possible? I’m sure anything is possible and where there’s a will, there’s a way. Curious to know if you guys have any info on how this might be done? I managed to get my machine working close to perfectly, but I really am not super technically inclined. If you have any info or tips that might help get me pointed in the right direction for this little project, it’d be greatly appreciated!
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