Hi, this weekend I managed to install Big Sur on a external HDD on my lenovo yoga s940 (or ideapad if you're in the us). Everything works outside the box except the touchpad (I2C, with address \_SB.PCI0.I2C0.TPD). It doesn't even show up in Ioregexplorer. I have tried with XOSI + patch, i've tried with the GPIO method. I've even tried to boot with -vi2c-force-polling and it still won't work. Does anyone know what I am missing? Btw same problem on catalina too. I've tried to remove all unecessary kexts (booting with only lilu, virtualsmc and whatevergreen) and still it won't work. The weird thing is that if vodooI2C + I2CHID is present, the touchpad options are available in system preferences (but the touchpad still doesn't work or is detected in Ioregexplorer).
Edit: if you want me to post my efi or something else just ask.
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