OpenCore boot mac OS faild after modify config.plist

At first, I simply want to turn-off SIP for some personal use, and now I couldn't boot into mac OS after what I have done below:

  1. Config.plist > nvram section > 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 > csr-active-config change value from 00000000 to 70000000 via OpenCore configurator
  2. Reboot and selete reset nvram

After that, I found the whole opencore boot section was gone, but then I take these steps to bring them back

  1. Using bootice tool under windows and create a new boot, path: \EFI\BOOT\BOOTx64.efi or \OC\OpenCore.efi

Even though I get my opencore boot section back and it seems like everything was back in the way it was, but seleting boot macOS only gives me a reboot.

Does anyone got into this issue? Could you guys give me some advise about how to solve this? Thanks!!!

submitted by /u/Ebbnason
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