I've very little experience with Hackintosh, but getting Big Sur to start with minor flaws I still consider it a win! Still a WIP and need quite a bit of help!

I've very little experience with Hackintosh, but getting Big Sur to start with minor flaws I still consider it a win! Still a WIP and need quite a bit of help!



  • CPU: AMD A10-7800
  • GPU: AMD Radeon RX570 4GB
  • RAM: 2x8GB 1600Mhz DDR3
  • Motherboard/Laptop model: MSI A88XI-AC
  • Audio Codec: (I'm uncertain - I'm using HDMI audio with AppleALC AFAIK, otherwise Realtek ALC887 for onboard audio)
  • Ethernet Card: Realtek RTL8111G
  • Wifi/BT Card: Intel Wireless AC7260
  • What guide/tool followed: Dortania's OpenCore Install Guide - Big Sur 11.4
  • What part I got an issue with: [Describe your issue WITH pictures attached if possible]
    - Issue with USB 3.0 ports (there are 2x in front panel and 2x in rear) not working. Only USB 2.0 ports work. I have followed the Dortania guide and tried mapping the ports using Hackintool, IORegistryExplorer, and USBMap Tool. In the end, it created a USBPorts.kext file that I have copied over to Kexts folder and in the config.plist. None of my USB2/3 devices work on all the USB3.0 ports. I can see in Hackintool that the device is being recognized and receiving power, but it's not showing up in Finder/Disk Utility/System Report.
    - Sleep/Wake - Shutdown and Restart works fine, the issue is when the PC goes to sleep after idle for 10 minutes. Moving the mouse or pressing a key won't wake it up. I see my PC power LED blinking, I can press the power button once and it changes to a steady light but screen monitor does not power on. I have to force shutdown and power on again.
    - Issue with web media playback - this appears to be system-wide. I have no issues playing videos/music in QuickTime/iTunes, but as soon as I load a webpage on Safari, or browse an app in the App Store that uses video playback, the app crashes. So far, this doesn't seem to affect Edge/Chrome.
    - Boot chime - I understand this is a hit/miss with HDMI Audio, however I'd still like to try but I'm at a loss trying to figure out what values should I be using in UEFI > Audio. I cannot seem to pinpoint the AudioCodec in my system, and I'm unsure of the AudioDevice address, as well as AudioOut value. This is a very minor issue so if it doesn't work, so be it.

  • What files/config I am using:
    - OpenCore 0.6.9 (nice)
    - Drivers: AudioDxe, HfsPlusLegacy, OpenCanopy, OpenRuntime
    - Kexts: AirportItlwm, AppleALC, AppleMCEReporterDisabler, CtlnaAHCIPort, IntelBluetoothFirmware, IntelBluetoothInjector, Lilu, RealtekRTL8111, RestricEvents, USBPorts, VirtualSMC, WhateverGreen, XLNCUSBFix

  • Extra Info: [Add something you need to point out about your setup]
    - Link to config.plist
    - Fast Boot/Secure Boot disabled, SATA set to AHCI, enabled Windows 8/8.1 Support, Boot mode set to UEFI only. Additional settings are in boot-args config.plist.
    - I am running Big Sur/Windows 10 dual boot (installed via DISM)

Although I understand my build is a bit old compared to the cool kids' Ryzentoshes, I'm otherwise enjoying my dual boot Hackintosh/Windows PC. Any help is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Org13-Xanadu
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