Fixing iServices


After recently building a new Hackintosh, I initially installed Catalina.

Then I followed the post-installation guide for iServices.

I used GenSMBIOS to generate some random S/N and after checking on "Apple Check Coverage page" I confirmed it was not valid: We’re sorry, but this serial number isn’t valid

After this I could not log into iServices (FaceTime or Messages) so I contacted Apple Support and, after a calm and very civilized conversation, the (very nice) support consultant unblocked my access to iServices.

From that day, my S/N is reported in "Apple Check Coverage page" Purchase Date not Validated

And I was very happy using iServices for some time until I upgraded to BigSur.

While upgrading to BigSur (now I'm at 11.3.1), I was requested to change my iCloud password because the system detected I had used the same password for my local user (mistake :/)

After changing my iCloud password on all my devices (I have MBP, iPhone and this Hackintosh), I can use iServices in all except for Hackintosh.

So I thought my computer had been blocked, and I called Apple Support again. Apple Support checked and informed me that that is not the case, my computer is not blocked or blacklisted.

So if my account or my computer are not blocked or blacklisted, what else is to be checked?

It's also interesting that now every time I launch FaceTime for the first time, it displays a black screen (that didn't happen before).

After closing and opening it again, I enter my credentials, there is a wheel that spins for a while, and then I'm simply presented the login form again. No error message/code whatsoever.

And yes, I have tried clearing NVRAM several times.

Any ideas or suggestions that I could try?


submitted by /u/gnaklers
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