That's problem with Hackintosh on OpenCore 0.6.8 Debug Mode and TigerLake CPU
09:047 00:030 OC: Prelinked status - Success
09:054 00:006 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKFS|-?] Ok(0)
09:056 00:001 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|-?] Ok(0)
09:060 00:003 AAPL: #[EB|FWFM] 0x00000000FFFFFF7F
09:061 00:001 AAPL: #[EB|FWFT] 0x00000000FDAFF066
09:062 00:001 AAPL: #[EB|BST:REV1]
09:063 00:001 AAPL: #[EB|CSR:IN] 0x00000040
09:065 00:001 AAPL: #[EB|CSR:OUT] 0x00000040
09:069 00:004 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|+]
09:071 00:001 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|ADSZ] 0
09:072 00:001 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|KSSZ] 0
09:073 00:001 AAPL: #[EB|SB:SBGMFNS] x86legacyap.im4m
09:075 00:001 AAPL: #[EB|RH:PF] usr\standalone\OS.dmg.root_hash
09:076 00:001 AAPL: #[EB|RH:MF] <"usr\standalone\OS.dmg.root_hash.x86legacyap.im4m">
09:078 00:001 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"usr\standalone\OS.dmg.root_hash"> <"0">
09:081 00:003 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"usr\standalone\OS.dmg.root_hash">
09:083 00:001 AAPL: #[EB.RH.LRH|P!] Err(0xE) <- EB.LD.LF
09:084 00:001 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.RH.LRH
09:085 00:001 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D535463 Size 1
09:086 00:001 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D534163 Size 2
09:088 00:001 AAPL: #[EB.B.WFDW|!WF] Err(0xE) 0
09:089 00:001 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:DT] 2021-04-03T22:26:44
09:091 00:001 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] 2021-04-03T22:26:44

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