MoBo boot loop?

Stuck in a boot loop!

I had a proper set up running both Windows and MacOS (separate drives) through the standard UEFI menu when booting but now it seems like I’m stuck in a boot loop. After choosing Windows or MacOS to enter into; it starts to load but then the system restarts itself automatically.

I’ve literally taken the whole MoBo and components apart and put back one by one to narrow down if it’s a component issue - it is not. I think it’s some setting in BIOS? (which I’m still able to get into); but not sure what the issue is. Perhaps the Boot priority is off? Will admit this is the one thing I did fidget with (which got me into this mess, d’oh) but not able to get back to order that works...

Currently ordered as: 1) UEFI USB Hard Disk 2) UEFI USB Key 3) UEFI Hard DIsk: UEFI OS (housing my MacOS) 4) UEFI USB Floppy 5) UEFI USB CD/DVD 6) UEFI CD/DVD 7) UEFI Network

UEFI Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities: 1) UEFI OS (SSD that houses my macOS) 2) Windows Boot Manager

MSI B550M VDH Pro Wifi

Dortania 0.6.5 | Big Sur (Latest OS)

RYZEN 3600 | 5700XT

16GB Ram, MacPro7,1

submitted by /u/Noctilux89
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