gaming on a hackintosh?

before you say "just game on windows", hear me out

all my games support macOS, and im currently getting the parts to build an intel pc/hackintosh (i tried with an AMD cpu... yeah that didn't happen lol)

I'd rather not dual boot windows, as its a hassle to do so, and if im going intel, i thought it would be worth a shot to ask

my new rig is gonna have the following specs;

CPU: Intel i5-10600KF (i dont need the iGPU, so theres no sense paying for one) GPU: AMD rx 580 8GB (gonna pick up a 5000 series or a 6000 series once the GPU shortage is over) MOBO: Asus PRIME z590-P LGA 1200 RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 2x8GB

would it be like playing games on a real mac? or would i get performance issues and lag spikes?

submitted by /u/vie76
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