So I have two plans, one is for my sister, the other for me. I am gonna prioritize my sis's build above mine since OSX is something I think she'd like to experiment with too.
Sisters build
SN 750 (Hackintosh Beaut)
XFX XXX/GTS RX580 8gb model
Asrock Pro 4 B365
Thermaltake V1 snow case
XPG spectrix D50G ram (I think)
Now the main thing I post this for is the GPU, while I'd love to buy a more agreed on model, the mining situation chastizes me.
Nonetheless, I've read tons of success stories, mainly other RX580 model types but sometimes my own thrown into the mix, I re-applied thermal paste due to heat issues, and can do it again if I hear more optimal ways to apply. I say this because temps went from 88 all the way to a cool 65 at max, and it wasn't even that bear thermal paste, it was silverstone. I could definetly re-apply if I really want to, if it helps it helps!!
Is there an issue preventing me from booting with it, or is it just power management issues that I need a kext for? I assume just having a decent psu is enough for major imbalances like a lot of problems with dodgy drivers, forgive me since I assume tons
So would it be fine for a casual user to deal with whatever theoretical high gpu temps MacOS will cause for my syster sistem?
I am done with that I suppose, and am moving to my build, which I need remind you is not as important
My build HS Ryzentosh (lower priority) ACE X570 MEG ACE AMD Ryzen 3950X 32gb of ram (64 is possible)
I want to do this as an experiment first and foremost, nothing more, what works will work and what doesn't will not, so I am aware of limitations and common issues I think.
With that out of the way;
I know sammy drives are slower in their boot times but I already have an empty 980 on hand, would that work on my Ryzen 3950X for booting MecOS? I am using a MEG X570 ACE, My card will be pascal of course!
I don't NEED MacOs, and understand all the limitations I have for my rig, but is it worth just attempting for the novelty irself? I am planning to boot gentoo linux in the end anyway, so this is honestly no SERIOUS issue to me. If you want to know more about this build or really wish to see it boot OS X (on an ultrawide no less) feel free to talk to me.
If you've read this far you are such a chad or bad bitch. Good on you for having such an altruistic outlook, now pls help me figure 🙏 this out 🙏
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