I am looking for assistance with my Vanilla Clover install of Catalina . I am able to make it 70% through the Apple logo loader screen. I end up with "AppleUSBXHCI::interruptOccurred" and "AppleBusPowerController: AppleBusPowerController::requestStaticServicePowerLocked: power supply unavailable, assuming Success ful power for HS08 of 500 mWWakePower and 0 mWSleepPower". Much of the text ends up garbled. I am using Clover 5122 along with Clover Configurator.
The Clover folder contains:
[ACPI>Patched: SSDT-EC.aml]
[Drivers>UEFI>: ApfsDriverLoader.efi, AptioMemoryFix.efi, AudioDxe.efi, DataHubDxe.efi, FSInject.efi, HFSPlus.efi, PartitionDxe.efi, VBoxHfs.efi]
[kexts>Other: AppleALC.kext, FakeSMC.kext, Lilu.kext, USBInjectAll.kext, WhateverGreen.kext]
The system identifier is set to iMac19,1.
The following are my build components:
Gigabyte Z390 UD LGA 1151
Crucial Ballistix 2666 MHz DDR4 32GB
Intel Core i7-9700K 9th Gen 8 Core 3.6GHz (Intel UHD Graphics 630)
TP-LINK Archer T9E AC1900 Wireless Dual Band PCI-e Adapter (Broadcom)
The following are my BIOS settings:
VT-d: Disabled
XHCI Hand-Off: Enabled
Legacy USB Support: Enabled
Network Stack: Disabled
XMP: Profile 1 Enabled
UEFI Booting: Enabled
Secure Boot: Disabled
Fast Boot: Disabled
OS Type: Other
Platform Power Management: Disabled
Internal Graphics: Enabled
CSM: Disabled

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