Hello, I am trying to Map my USB ports.
I followed Dortania's guide and have Big Sur installed with this supplied ACPI from the guide for my 8700k. Currently, I have SSDT-AWAC.aml, SSDT-EC-USBX-DESKTOP.aml, SSDT-PLUG-DRTNIA.aml, and SSDT-PMC.aml in my OC ACPI folder.
My question is if I use hackintool for mapping, It gives me USBPorts.kext and SSDT-UIAC.aml. Do I need to use both of these? In some guides I see only the kext being used. The other question is if I use USBPorts.kext and/or SSDT-UIAC.aml, do I still need all the files I currently have in my ACPI folder that I listed above?
Thanks to anyone that can point me in the right direction. Cheers!
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