OpenCore Apple Secure Boot Blessings

Good day, hackintoshers!

I decided to turn on Apple Secure Boot, but encountered a problem. I followed official OpenCore instructions. On ApECID step when I run from recovery the command ...

bless bless --folder "/Volumes/MySpecialVolumeName/System/Library/CoreServices" \ --bootefi --personalize

... I get from terminal that volume can't be personalized. Must mention here that by misunderstanding the instructions, I blessed the volume before setting ApECID value in config.plist. In the post that I followed is not clear when I need to run the mentioned command (what is the correct order, by the way?)

I already tried searching some information, and it wasn't successful.
If I'm wrong please get me know where I can get some info.

Thanks in advance for your help.

submitted by /u/Shpingalet007
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