OC macrecovery.py files seem to be corrupt, stuck at language chooser with no options or mouse and keyboard.

9700k, ROG Strix z390i, 1080ti, 16gb ddr4 3600hz

Trying to install High Sierra .

Am using windows to create an online installer, macrecovery.py to download the files. have checked my folders and sanity checked my config.plist.

Was using macrecovery file that was about 450mb, and it would go through the verbose and come up with "CPU halted" and just turn off.

This is where I checked the folders and config multiple times and then decided to try redownloading the macrecovery files this time with a different URL, file was about 675mb.

Now I get verbose, Apple logo and loading bar then to language chooser but with no window to display any options nor a mouse pointer and the keyboard doesn't work either.

Not sure what to do, perhaps try another URL in macrecovery.py? With a different action? Like "-os" or something? The files seem to be the problem though as one works yet other doesn't, even tried just Sierra and had the CPU halted thing...

This is far as I get.

Author: @lazermajor