Hello. I have wrote posts before about my problems with my Hackintosh but got no luck fixing my problems. I have almost lost all hope and i’m wondering if i could just ”re-install” everything.
One of the questions I have is concerning my graphics card (which like broke my last install), its a 960 and i don’t know how to install the Hackintosh with that in, should i just give up on that or what should I do? If I should just give it up, is there a way that I could have it inside my computer and only use it while booting into windows? (mainly got it for gaming purposes in windows, but would be nice with extra graphics bump in Hackintosh )
Also I saw that the last ”supported” macos version with geforce 960 is High Sierra . So i’m wondering if i should try to install a newer version of macos instead.
Does anyone have a couple minutes to help me out maybe?
Thanks in advance <3

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