Big Sur 11.2.2 Dell Optiplex 5040 SFF

Big Sur 11.2.2 Dell Optiplex 5040 SFF


After banging my head against the wall for several weeks, I finally succeeded! Much of the credit goes to u/Solind9 and u/Drummerboybac, you legends helped me so much, cheers!


  • CPU: Intel i5-6500
  • GPU: Intel HD530 iGPU
  • RAM: 8gb 1600MHz DDR3
  • Motherboard: Optiplex 5040 standard
  • Ethernet Card: Intergrated (IntelMausi kext)
  • Wifi/BT Card: N/A

Working: Everything (including I-Services)

Not Working: Sleep :(

Originally installed Catalina but was able to update to Big Sur with no problems.

Any questions: comment below/send me a message!

Keywords: OpenCore , Dortania

EFI tree (I hope this is allowed)

Author: @bdoxat

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