I5-7200u / 8gb ram / 1TB hdd +128GB Sata / HD GRAPHICS (Disabled Nivida)
Everything works.
Except : Wifi / Headphone jack with mic doesn't work. Headphone works
First I tried Mojave . Then Catalina . The keyboard didn't work. Big Sur took long time as i had to download 10+ gb files 4-5 times.
EFI FOLDER: https://www.mediafire.com/file/aj0grumq1wb7bvz/Acer_Aspire_E5-575G.zip/file
Special Credit goes to someone unknown whose EFI folder i used. It helped me in getting kexts but those ones panicked my kernel. I had to remove some of them and go through plist file. Learned something new today. And special thanks to the community

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