X99 - Vega 64 - Atto. Problem no video

Hello, i have install MacOS Catalina OC. For do that, i only attach the Vega 64 (to de X99-UltraGaming), without ATTO card, and I do it without any problem. All it's working fine.

But when finally, I'll put the ATTO Raid Card R608, there are a huge problem: the boot process was fine until the last part, where the graphic's drivers go up.... the monitor don't give me signal!!

I can connect with other computer via screen sharing and in the system information it's like the video card only use 8x and appear a sound card with 16x?!!!

I don't know how can i progress. I imagine that will be possible make dissapear the ¿sound card? from pci and this 16x will go to the graphics,... or maybe the problem was other.

Any help will be very appreciate.


Author: @MacMakasi