OpenCore Vanilla Wake From Sleep issue

Hi there,

Finally went from high Sierra to Catalina and did a vanilla install which as far as I can tell has been very smooth with the exception of two things. iMessage and all other iservices work fine.

DRM on AppleTV+ which I think is due to my GPU but I'm not bothered as Netflix etc all work fine.

And the dreaded sleep issues. It goes to sleep (after a longer time than High Sierra) but on wake, powers up, fans increase then idle, power to keyboard and mouse, but screen stays black and have to hard shut down.

Specs are

i7 4770k

Gigagbyte Z87x-ud5-th

Nvidia GTX770

32GB Ram

Set to iMac 15,1

Everything was great on HS but that was running Clover and I wanted to change over. Have disabled power nap and wake from lan and the other settings to no avail and though I've looked at the dortania guide in depth at fixing sleep but I think I'm struggling to follow even though the rest was okay (probably because it went smoothly!).

Can anyone help or point me in the direction of a simple solution?



submitted by /u/daddykabliey
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