Hackintosh Latitude 5490 with Catalina App Store just won’t login

Hey guys I have this Latitude almost working perfect. Wifi, Trackpad works, Video, Sound, Web Cam, Bluetooth

It logs in fine to iCloud but I can’t login to the App Store. It send the 2FA text message which I enter and the nothing happens. No error or anything. Just doesn’t log in.

I’m using Clover. I feel there must be a patch or setting I need to enable. Like I said everything is working fine but the App store does not login and there is no error. Anyone knows a fix.

I did re-enable SIP

and change it so that only App Store and identified developers apps can be installed.

I even set the SMBIOS with new generated Serial, Board Serial and SmUUID and all this did not help. I really don’t know what else to try.

I even created a new admin user and the App Store does not login there either

Author: @saulin74