GTX 1050ti acting really weird on High Sierra, any ideas?


I've installed latest High Sierra (17G14042) via OpenCore with latest NVIDIA drivers(387., and it acts really strange, and I tried many things with no Success .

If I boot macOS with one of my monitors connected, it works as it should, everything is great. If I boot macOS with both of my monitors connected, it will get stuck before showing login screen, while also blanking part of the verbose output. However, if I boot into macOS with one of my monitors attached, and then I connect second one after it's loaded, it works flawlessly with both of them.

What could cause that issue?

Things I've tried

  • Using different arguments in OC
  • Using different driver versions (only latest one worked at all)
  • Changing SMBIOSes

My setup

One of my monitors is connecting directly via DVI-D, and the other one is connecting with an adapter from DVI-D(on monitor side) to HDMI.


  • CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2620v3
  • RAM: 16 GB DDR4 in Dual Channel
  • MoBo: Chinese X99 board
  • GPU: Zotac GTX 1050Ti 4GB
Author: @kseniyasobchak