Hey. I've listed my config.plist bellow. I'm new to hackintosh and this is my first. I'm using opencore, and followed these 2 tutorials/documentation: https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide & ``https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khs7kEAELWc\`\` When I boot into macos, I get this message (attached), I've tried fixing it but I just cannot get around it. Here is my system info. CPU: i5-4460 GPU: GTX 960 OS: Windows 10 Pro Motherboard: B85M Pro3 Tell me if you need any more info. Any help appreciated! https://drive.google.com/file/d/196P1wv_42YiYtolK3NeG8ySWNXn67oo4/view?usp=sharing (config.plist) [link] [comments] |
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