Good, a few weeks ago I wanted to do my first Hackintosh and I was trying and trying, I managed to boot and install it, but in the middle of that I got an error, my idea was to try to reinstall it by deleting everything from 0, but now I have tried, informed myself and everything and I could not get to the mac boot, this is the error that appears: PC Specs: Motherboard: Asrock H81m-VG4 R3.0 CPU: Intel Core I7-4770 3.40 GHz Ram: 12 GB RAM DDR3 1366 Mhz Graphics: Intel Graphics HD 4600 My config.plist: Config.plist Download Here Kext: AppleALC Lilu RealtekRTL8111-V2.3.0 USBInjectAll VirtualSMC WhateverGreen [link] [comments] |
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