CometLake BigSur Not Working


I have an i7 10700k with an ASUS z490-a mobo and plan to use the integrated graphics. I have been trying to get my Hackintosh up and running and have made little progress over the past few days. At first, I was trying to dual partition windows and mac for a dual boot. But the installer would always drop at 12% and restart on me. So, I decided to just wipe the entire system and start from scratch. I have since had the issue with my USB now not booting at all. The USB shows up, and I have my BIOS setting set up according to the open core site with the USB being in the top boot option. But when I try to click it in BIOS nothing happens. I have been going back and forth trying to re-read and tweak things with no progress. Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/Queenite
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