Can't install MacOS Big Sur with OpenCore 0.6.4


This are my pc specs:

- CPU: Intel Core i7 8086k

- Motherboard: MSI Z370 Gaming Plus

- Graphic Card: Radeon RX590

- Ram: 16GB

Currently booting into MacOS Mojave using Clover, but i would like to update to Big Sur so i am trying to do a clean install using OpenCore 0.6.4. I followed this guide and not been successful. After some research I notice i had 2 KEXT related to the Ethernet drivers and fix that, i have been toggling on/off RebuidAppleMemoryMap. If on I will have a blackscreen and the log file will give me this error #[EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] , If off then i will have a Panic Stackshot bytes traced 49544 uncompressed 14416.

This is my EFI folder:

Can anyone give me a hand?

Thank you

submitted by /u/philgame9000
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