Hi there, You already read or will read that Auto Unlock With Apple Watch won't work with this chip because:
As Dortania Guide states you need 4 kexts in EFI/OC/Kexts/:
After placing all 4 kexts in kexts directory fire up ProperTree, load your config.plist (File / Open or Cmd + O) and and select File / OC Snapshot (Cmd + R) (not OC Clean Snapshot). Make sure to save the file (Cmd + S). ProperTree will add all 4 kexts including plugins of AirportBrcmFixup.kext in Correct order so we won't have any issues. This will prevent no WiFi or no BT issues as well. Once you reboot you'll see both WiFi and BT working. Note: WiFi works fine with 2 plugins of AirportBrcmFixup.kext but you must disable AirPortBrcm4360_Injector.kext from the config.plist if you are on Big Sur. Now in order to have all Continuity Features work go to Sys Pref. / Overview and click Sign Out. Then Sign back In. You may need to reboot again. Now you should have all Continuity Features working except Unlock With Apple Watch. We need specific order of things to do in order to make it work. Here's how:
Now you'll see 3 dots on Bluetooth icon in the Menu Bar. With that 3 dots Unlock With Apple Watch will work. But it'll stop working when Bluetooth connections drops for whatever reason like:
Those first 3 are obvious, yes. The problem is, it cannot reconnect when for instance back to your computer or turning off Airplane mode or turning Bluetooth back On on the Mac or Apple Watch. You may heard Unlock With Apple Watch is not reliable on the real Macs too but we are not there yet. I found a way to see the error messages when Mac and Apple Watch try to connect on Apple Discussions. Fire up Terminal and enter this code below:
Now you can try Enabling/Disabling the option from Security & Privacy or Locking and Unlocking macOS or clicking Padlock icon when there is no BT 3 dots. It'll list all error codes such as:
Other errors are:
The error it throws is different when we turn BT off and back on and try unlocking or clicking Padlock.
I couldn't find Code=200 on the internet and thought it might be hack related, related to BrcmPatchRAM. So, the dev of BrcmPatchRAM or other devs from OpenCore comm may be help us? For now, the only solution is going Sys Pref / Security & Privacy and deselect and select Use your Apple Watch to unlock apps and your Mac every time the BT connection drops (no 3 dots on BT icon). Maybe we can write a script to check the connection and deselect and reselect that option for us? Please jump in and let's fix this together! Cheers! PS: I'll change the flair from HELP to INFO/GUIDE when we find a fix or workaround to this BT reconnection issue. [link] [comments] |
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