RANDOM Black Screen after OC Bootpicker

Hello everybody. This is a variation of a well-known Navi GPU issue, which is generally resolved by adding the "agdpmode=pikera" boot flag. The trouble is that the flag did not fully resolve the issue and I still get the black screen from time to time. In that case, resetting the computer once or twice generally allows me to boot. Let me add that the issue always happens after the OC bootpicker and that the computer never crashes once successfully booted.

Given the random occurrence of this, I thought this might have to do with NvRam, RTC or an incorrect USB Mapping. I have fully reviewed my settings there against the relevant guide and done a fair amount of research without success. I have also compared logs of successful boots with logs of booting attempts having resulted in the back screen and these seem to be identical, suggesting that the issue arises in the very last steps of the process just before macOS displays the GUI.

I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has had similar issues and found a way to resolve it. Thanks!

My build:

  • OC 0.6.3
  • CPU: i5-9600K
  • GPU: Sapphire Radeon RX 5700 XT
  • RAM: 32 GO
  • Motherboard: Asus Prime Z390-A
  • Wifi/BT Card: Fenvi T919
submitted by /u/TotalRecall127
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