Hackintosh Big Sur Build Dec 2020

Hi all, I have been looking through various builds over the last 4 weeks and it seems a lot of the motherboards are hard to purchase. I want to run Big Sur and have narrowed it down to a Z390 with stock available in UK for Z390 Aorus Master or Z390 Aorus Pro.

I can find plenty of threads with people upgrading to Big Sur but if you had the chance of buying new hardware for running Big Sur for the next 3 years am I making the right decision with a Z390 Aorus Master and AMD 5700 XT? I read that some variants of the 5700 XT are more compatible than others any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I want to do a bit of gaming of this machine in windows 10 but its main task will be web design on Mac OS with 2x 4k 27" monitors of it. I have hackintoshed quite a few years back successfully but its been a while so yet to try open core look forward to the challenge of getting it all going :)

submitted by /u/shane_234856
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