GPU SSDT only working with opencore 0.6.0

I have a Catalina installation running on an old xeon e3120 (core duo e8500 equivalent) with a msi gt 210. To use my graphics on catalina (highest supported version high Sierra) I installed the legacy video patch and an GFX0 SSDT to replace the inject nvidia option that my gpu requires. I can boot 0.6.0 with graphics but when I upgrade opencore to 0.6.3 and without changing anything in my config, I get a kernel panic and my pc instantly restarts. I also tried installing mac os with the 0.6.3 efi but I can only boot with the older version. Does anyone know what’s the cause for this problem???

(The kernel panic I get happens when it’s time for the graphics to load)

submitted by /u/antoniosner
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