Mac OS: Big Sur x8dai Motherboard: x8ada3 (pretty sure legacy/bios only) CPUs: 2 Xeon x5680 Graphics: nvidia quadro k5200 Boot loader: clover (can be changed) Other os: Manjaro Linux and windows
I have set up the Mac boot usb from a Catalina Mac OS using the normal Mac create boot drive method.
I also set up a clover boot partition on my main manjaro ssd. I am able to boot into it and see my window install (4 of them but only 1 works is this normal). I can also see the Mac OS usb. I do not see my manjaro boot. I set clover up from here I set this up on a efi system partition via disk and added boot flag. I don’t know how I am booting this if my mobo is only really legacy.
When I try to boot from the Mac OS usb I get the circle with a cross 🚫 and a url for Mac support. The Mac support says that sign means the “laptop” is not compatible.
Ps: when I press quit on clover trying to get to manjaro it takes me to a weird motherboard screen I have never seen before with continue, boot manager, device manager, and boot maintenance manager. Any attempt to use this throws tons of errors and red text.
I would love to get Mac up and running but don’t need Big Sur. I only did Big Sur as it was easier to do from current Mac OS I have access to. I can change from clover to other options. I am familiar with Linux and windows but not as much with Mac. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Mac issue screen is
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