Website to download specific Numbered versions of old MacOS ? (Not just 'whichever was the last release of this version of MacOS)

Hi all,

I Success fully built my first Hackintosh , because of the collective smarts and generosity of the folks on this forum (in particular u/samkalel3 - whose post i used heavily (but I couldn't comment and thank them on their post since it's archived. but thank you so much!)

Anyway, I had trouble finding Catalina 10.15.5 (10.XX.YY) specifically (which I needed to be able to use the updated Ktexts that u/Samkalel3 was making available. As you know, you can download whichever is the latest version of MacOS for each .XX numbered version, but you don't get to choose which .XX.YY version you download.

I availed myself to torrents for this, but i never really love this.

Do you guys know of a website that archives full installers for YY versions for every macOS out there?

(I'm working on cleaning up my notes for the install and sharing this back here, for folks who are as new as I am and want to just buy the exact same hardware I got -- still conveniently available on Amazon).

Thanks so much!

Author: @arianebx