I’ve followed the guide on Duet’s website and double checked everything. (https://www.duetdisplay.com/help-center/can-i-use-duet-as-the-only-display-for-my-mac)
However, I get a black screen on the iPad after boot.
This is only resolved by plugging in the HDMI cable at which point both the HDMI monitor and my iPad immediately start working. Yes, I have an active subscription for DuetDisplay.
I need this so I can take my NUC with me on a moderate-trip while keeping the monitor at home.
I really don’t know what WhateverGreen does, but it appears to be the source of the issue given my limited understanding. Not 100% sure though, otherwise I’d be on their github page.
My specs:
Intel NUC 7i7BNH w/ Samsung Evo 860 1 TB, and Kingston ValueRAM 2x 8 GB.
Kexts: AppleALC, FakePCIID_Intel_HDMI_Audio, FakePCIID, IntelBluetoothFirmware, IntelBluetoothInjector, IntelMausi, ITLWM v1.0.0, Lilu, Sinetek-rtsx, SMCProcessor, SMCSuperIO, USBInjectAll, VirtualSMC, WhateverGreen.
If anyone has had success with this or any ideas, please let me know. This post was made in search of you.
Kind Regards,
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